The blogger's conundrum
Over the past few weeks I learned two new things.
I have several things in partial form, waiting for some final touches before they take the grand stage that is this web page, and several other ideas that I would like to get in, but my time has been so restricted lately that I have not been able to do any of it. I could finish these tidbits and post them as I get to them, but posting Thanksgiving stories dated January seems a bit odd.
Not that being odd has ever stopped me before ...
I could also backfill, but then none of you would know which postings you've seen and which you haven't, and I know how you all just can't stand to miss any of my postings.
Luckily, I have come up with a wonderful idea.
I am going to backfill the blog (pinning stories to their appropriate time), but link to the stories on this post here. This should stay up long enough for you all (both?) to see what's there, and your browser should tell you which links you've already followed so, using your amazing powers of deduction, you should be able to see what you have yet to read.
Go, me!
So here is what to expect in the coming days (... weeks, months, or however long it takes me to finish this stuff!):