Feeling the blues
Saturday night, Ms N and I were at a Halloween party with Mrs. CWV and Mr. Mrs-CWV. Our wonderful hosts had a fire pit in their backyard and we had all the fixins for Smores; add the 80's mix CD and the brisk wind blowing through the trees and we were all set.
My daughter makes a mean marshmallow flambé, by the way.
So as the conversating continued, Mrs. CVW suddenly turned to me and said, "By the way, Mr E," (because we are on a first initial basis) "as soon as Halloween is over you have got to change the colors on your blog."
"Yeah," said Ms N. "Aren't they horrible?"
It was just 9 posts ago that I sought out feedback about the color scheme, and after scrutinizing all of the responses, I found the word "horrible" exactly, let's see ... carry the one and we get zero times. "Retina-burning" did appear once, but that was from someone who has her brightness on her monitor set to 100%. Even George Bush seems bright on her screen.
Don't get me wrong, here. I'm a big boy and can handle criticism (I certainly got enough practice from my ex - she was like that sadistic old Chinese guy in that Bud Lite commercial, just paler and without the Fu Manchu mustache. Again!).
If the colors suck, they suck. It doesn't bother me; I can change them.
What bothers me is not that Mrs. CWV, who I consider a very good friend, and Ms N, the woman who (for some reason) seems to want to become Mrs N-E, thought the colors sucked, but that neither thought it necessary to share that tidbit of information with me for over two weeks. That post was from Torsdag, Oktober 12*, for goodness sake.
I don't like things to be sugar-coated (metaphorically, that is ... when it comes to actual food, sugar-coat away! Caramel salad, anyone?). This time, tell me what you really think.**
* For those who are wondering, my dates are all in Swedish***
** About the new colors, that is. I'm not sure if I want some other things mentioned in this particular forum.
*** For those wondering why I have the dates in Swedish, what can I say? I'm an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a who-gives-a-rat's-ass.
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