Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New Digs

Well, my dear reader(s), it's time for a change.

After a pretty good run with the old name, I need a fresh look - a fresh feel - a fresh, um, something freshy. What can I say, sometimes I have that not-so-fresh feeling*.

And so, without further ado, it's no more No More Mr. Ice Guy.

In case you're wondering about the name, I found out that there are a few Mr. Ice Guys out there. One is a geologist, one is something else, one is the star of a podcast series, another one is some punk-ass kid who went so far as to post an entry for himself on Wikipedia (it seems the Wikipediots have removed that particular page). The play on "no more Mr. Nice Guy" seemed witty and original when I thought of it, what with my years in Alaska and all, but thanks to the miracle of Google I've discovered how unoriginal I really am. Besides, the URL always seemed more like M-Rice-Guy when I was typing it.

Ms N wanted me to go with something Mr K related, since that's what she always calls me (that I can print, at least). I happen to be blessed with a name that is a homonym of mystery, which means there are several witty phrases from which to choose. The only things catchy I could think of with the K were "Special K" and "Oh, K", neither of which appeal to me. "Oh, K, Can You See?" might have worked, but I just thought of it now and frankly I'm too lazy to go back and change anything.

Not that there aren't any Mr. Es ... "Mister E. Solved," for example, is a title I was pondering before I remembered to Google any potential names, as was "Mister E.'s Mysteries". The "Magical Mister E. Tour" was also taken, much to my disappointment. But surprisingly, I found several possible Mr. E. permutations available. Most hits for Mr. E. are actually postings by psychologists who are redacting the full names of their patients from their published works.

So thus begins our new adventure - our tales of Mr. E., if you will. (I never checked on that one. Oh well, too late.) Sit back, relax, sip (chug) an adult beverage (you might as well, I am!), and (hopefully) enjoy the ride.

* Royce, if you're out there, just remember: SEDDBYNGASCTMTFI

1 comment:

tychotithonus (Royce Williams) said...


I wonder if Sam McG would still be willing to do the commercials for us.